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As many of you scratch builders will know, riveted stripping is not an easy thing to do. Some use blobs of glue, some drill holes and push pins through, some even fix real brass rivets (expensive! ) On top of all that, the brass strip and angle is expensive, just on it's own and the angle is to thick.

Well now Swift Sixteen can offer you a very economical solution with our brass wagon strip pack. In the pack you will find two strips of 10mm with a half etch fold line so you can form an angle for your corners, and eight strips of 5mm for everything else. All the rivets are half etch dots on one side only for punching. You can punch as many or as little as you want to line up with your wagon design. Because the rivets are half etched and the brass strip is only .5mm thick, you only have .25mm of brass to punch. This will give a very sharp and crisp rivet head. Just as a side note, the fret that holds the official stripping is also 5mm wide, so you can use that also !

Kit Contents:
X2     Angled Wagon Strips.
X8     Flat Wagon Strips.
Technical Information:
Length     275mm
Width     5/10mm
Thickness     0.5mm 

Brass Wagon Strip Pack

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    'Swift Sixteen' offers high quality products in resin, brass and other mediums, for the 16mm garden railway modeller/enthusiast. We hope that you will enjoy browsing our website, and we will keep it updated regularly as new products are released.

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